Wouldn’t hire anyone else!
I highly recommend Katharine and Quillian Reeves. They are a power real estate couple. Quillian is an experienced...
— S.L.
I highly recommend Katharine and Quillian Reeves. They are a power real estate couple. Quillian is an experienced...
— S.L.
Quillian is a rare agent with the knowledge and experience of a builder. He has the experience and knowledge to evaluate...
— C.W.
We would highly recommend you based on the quality of your work and the level of customer service.
— D.B. and C.B.
You delivered fantastic results - both purchase price and time to sell.
— C.C.
Thank you for completing the sale of our home. The sale was beyond our expectations!
— K.N.
Please accept our sincere thanks for your commitment to doing everything just right. We consider ourselves fortunate that...
— L.B. and A.H.
We really do appreciate your hard work & love our house! If you ever need any references email us or give us a call.
— S.F.
We worked with Katharine and Quillian Reeves at the suggestion of a good friend. We were impressed straight away with their...
— D.W.
Katharine and Quillian are the best!!!! They sold our home in record time! They managed the process expertly!
— J.D.
Katharine and Quillian are terrific. Importantly, they are incredibly knowledgable about all the additional needs that a family...
— A.B.
I was very pleased with our partnership. They both were helpful and supportive in so many ways.
— J,S,H,
Very attentive and warm sales people. Always a step ahead of what needed to be done in order to have successful sales effort and...
— D.C.
They were absolutely fantastic agents with an incredible attention to detail. We would recommend them in a heartbeat. So...
— W.H.